Help Us Succeed in Our Mission - Helping ALL Dogs and Bringing People and Dogs Together - Donate Today!
Without the generous donations from our followers and supporters, we could not continue to save lives. If interested in donating, please follow the links below.
We thank you for your support!

Donations from our supporters help to cover the medical bills and supplies we need for proper care. The adoption fee we charge does not begin to cover the expenses of fostering a rescued dog. We are dependent on the donations from our supporters.
With the help of donors, dogs like Chevy, and many like him, now have a chance at a long and happy life.
Read about Chevy's story here
Mispits believes fully in transparency. We publish our financial information every month on our Facebook page. If you would like a copy of our financial records please feel free to email us at mispitsandfriends@gmail.com
MONEtary Donations
There are several easy ways to make monetary donations to MisPits. Just click on the pictures below!
PayPal ID:

Mail Checks & Money Orders to:
Mispits & Friends Rescue
PO Box 581652
Louisville, KY 40268
SUpply Donations
Mispits Rescue is always in need of supplies. Food, treats, blankets, crates... you name it, we need it! We have several wish lists on Amazon or you can contact us to donate items.
Shop and give donations
Shop and Give Donations are the easiest way to donate to Mispits.
All you do is sign up and then shop as normal. It's that easy!
Mispits is affiliated with the following community donation programs: